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“I’ll Get You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu)” by Matt Vogel

Constantine singing to Miss Piggie.

Hi everybody!  This is Kimberly for my fifth post for the genre Childrens Music.

Last Friday while most of the world was probably watching Divergent, I was watching Muppets Most Wanted with some of my friends.  When The Muppets came out in 2011, I think people were surprised with how much they enjoyed seeing familiar faces like Kermit and Miss Piggie on the big screen again.  The Muppets was also filled with famous celebrities like Amy Adams and Jason Segel and even had an Oscar winning song called, “Man or Muppet.”  This time around the makers of the Muppets Most Wanted amped up the number of celebrities and hilarious songs that kept teenagers like me entertained.  One of the songs that stood out to me was “I’ll Get You What You Want,” and to fully understand the song I just wanted to give a brief overview of the plotline for Muppets Most Wanted.

Muppets Most Wanted centers on the evil villain Constantine stealing Kermit the Frog’s identity.  Without giving too much away, for Constantine to become successful on his evil plot he must win over Miss Piggie.  It wouldn’t be The Muppets (or Disney for that matter) if Constantine didn’t try to win over Miss Piggie in song form. Like many of the songs in Muppets Most Wanted “I’ll Get You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu)” was written by Brett McKenzie.  “I’ll Get You What You Want” has a disco sound that’ll make you want to dance but will probably make you say, “What is even happening?” when you listen to the lyrics.
“I’ll Get You What You Want” is about Constantine trying to win over Miss Piggie by telling her that he’ll get her anything she wants, even a cockatoo in Malibu.  The song is deemed even more ridiculous because Constantine sounds almost nothing like Kermit. If you end up watching Muppets Most Wanted, I’m pretty sure you’re going to end up singing “Cockatoo in Malibu,” which is repeated numerous times throughout the song.  I’m giving “I’ll Get You What You Want” 4 stars because the melody and lyrics are quirky and fun, but I don’t think it has the same long-lasting effect as classic Muppets’ songs like “It’s Not Easy Being Green” has.

Overall, “I’ll Get You What You Want” is a fun song that’ll make you want to break out your Saturday Night Fever dance moves. Until next time, please enjoy “I'll Get You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu).” J

Below is the music video for “I’ll You What You Want (Cockatoo in Malibu)” as performed by Bret McKenzie.

Below is the music video for the Academy Award Winning song from The Muppets “Man or Muppet.”

Rating: 4 RECORDS

Information: IMDB

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