Welcome to JUKEBOX music reviews!


"Nothing Better" (Original)

Hi everybody! It's Kimberly here.  I decided to do something a little different this week and I recorded a song I wrote called "Nothing Better."  Since the JUKEBOX girls are now on summer break, I thought it would be fun to record a song I wrote about summer.  The lyrics detail all the great things about summertime and how there's nothing better than summer.  I'm going to type the lyrics at the end of this post if you want to check that out.  Thank you for checking out my original song and I hope you like it!

"Nothing Better" by Kimberly Silvestre

White sand, lemonade in my hand
Tapping my feet to the drumbeat
Coming from the live band

Daylight, random water balloon fights
Getting wet while we forget 
Who we are tonight

Why can't it always be like this?

Chilling out on the shore or catching some waves
Hit the dance floor and move like crazy
Take a breath and throw your cares away
Staying up late even though we're tired
Worth the wait for the warm bonfire
Nothing's better than the summer

Ice cream topped with a bright red cherry
Get in the car and we'll drive far 
Down to a drive-in movie

Beach chair, we can go anywhere
Running as fast as we can
Flying kites in the air

Why can't it always be like this?

Chilling out on the shore or catching some waves
Hit the dance floor and move like crazy
Take a breath and throw your cares away
Staying up late even though we're tired
Worth the wait for the warm bonfire
Nothing's better than the summer

Catch fireflies
As stars pass by
That summer breeze 
Is getting to me

Chilling out on the shore or catching some waves
Hit the dance floor and move like crazy
Take a breath and throw your cares away
Staying up late even though we're tired
Worth the wait for the warm bonfire
Nothing's better than the summer

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