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"Just Fall" Original Song by Anthem Lights

Anthem Lights' album cover for their new album, Escape, coming October 6, 2014 
(*cough* that's 3 weeks before my birthday *cough* )

Hello, JUKEBOXERS!! Sorry I'm posting a little later than usual, it's been a crazy day/week. I've got an ANTHEM LIGHTS original for you today!! Just a little heads up, this post might be longer than what I usually write, but I'll try to control myself. You might remember Anthem Lights from when I wrote about their cover of "Everything Will Change" by Gavin DeGraw (click here to read that post for more about Anthem Lights).

The first time I listened to this song was last week when they posted it. I'm probably a little biased because I'm a huge Anthem Lights fan, but I absolutely LOVE this song. First of all, it's a song I can sing along to, which is a huge deal for me. If singing isn't your thing, it's also a song you can dance to, of course, I'm not much of a dancer, so I'll just stick to bopping my head and moving to the rhythm (hopefully). Not only does it make you want to get up and dance, it makes you want to get up, period. It's a song full of energy with a great build up. Lastly, but certainly not least, if you listen to the lyrics, you'll hear a love song. I'll get more into the lyrics later.

I know I say I prefer songs with raw sounds and less synths and/or effects, so no, I don't really enjoy EDM, but I have to say this song is wonderfully crafted and beautifully sung. I mean, sure they aren't playing their normal piano/keyboard and guitar, but this song is just something else. Again, it could just be that I'm a little biased since they're possibly my favorite band. Anyway, I simply adore how they start off simple and build up the music as well as their vocals. Okay, I'm going to continue before I make this post too long because I have a lot to say about the lyrics.

Alright, back to the lyrics. At first listen, you'll hear that the singer is telling the listener to "fall into me". This song speaks to the person who's having a tough day, week, month, year, or life. Life is undeniably difficult, but the lyrics and the song itself is full of encouragement. Not only does it say "you got it, you got it, you got what it takes", the singer states they'll "be the ground beneath your feet", to "let my arms be your escape", and "I won't let you break". I mean what a great love song!! The singer is promising the listeners that no matter what comes crashing into their lives, they will always be there.

The previous paragraph is not why I love this song. I love this song because it isn't a song written by men who are singing to their wives/girlfriends. This song isn't about a friend who'll stick by you through thick and thin. This song isn't even about a parent who does everything in their power to make sure their child has a bright future. If you read my previous post about Anthem Lights (link available above), you'll see that they are open and unashamed of their faith in God and Jesus Christ. Now that I've stated that, can you guess why I love this song?? I'll explain. I love this song because they aren't singing as husbands/boyfriends, best friends, or parents, they are singing a message from God. This is the love song they have chosen to pass on. I won't go on preaching because that's not what this blog is about, but I just thought it was such a beautiful message. Whether or not you believe in God, whether or not you think He exists, whether or not you can see His work in your life, no matter what you're going through, no matter who you are, and no matter what you've done, He will ALWAYS be there. He won't let you fall, and He "won't let you break". He will "be the ground beneath your feet". He knows you can do it.

I hope this song encourages you and helps you through the rest of your week.

Here's the lyric video:

And here's the music video with a very encouraging message:

Rating: 5 RECORDS (I'd break the scale for this song)

Photo: Facebook - Anthem Lights

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