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"See Through Me" Original Song by Alex Goot

Hey there, JUKEBOXERS!! It's Jewel with lucky post 7 for the Original Song Series. This week, I've got an Alex Goot original. I hope you remember my review on his cover of "Unconditionally" by Katy Perry!! If not, you can check it out for more about the wonderful Alex Goot (click here).

So I'm going to go ahead and skip to the good part this week because I really haven't found anything to criticize. Of course, I'm currently only listening to the song for the second time ever, so maybe later on in the post I'll write a little complaint. As far as I can tell, the only thing I'd have an issue with is something more on the technical side that only picky singers would point out, and that's the fact that his voice is a little on the "whiny" side for this song. Other than that, I enjoyed it.

Let's start with my favorite aspect of "See Through Me". As you know, I really love lyrics because lyrics are what one sings, and singing is what I do. But most importantly, lyrics send the message more directly or indirectly than any other part of the song, except perhaps the title. I'm not going to pretend I know exactly what this song means or that I'm some literary genius who can perfectly comprehend its message because I'm really only sharing my best guess, and the only person who knows what this song truly means is Alex Goot himself. As you can deduct, I'm giving this song a high rating because of the lyrics. To me, when the lyrics are good, the rest is just icing on the cake. I enjoy the accompanying instruments and the melody itself is beautifully written. And that is all I will write about that.

This song gets right to the point with the first line being, "I'm gonna stop pretending". I don't know who he's speaking to, but I like the message he conveys in that he's going to stop being who he's not simply because "you see through it all". He's probably talking to someone he can relate to, someone who he may have just met, but he feels as if they've known each other for a long time; someone who sees who he truly is and not the mask he hides behind. He's decided to stop hiding in the shadows because he's over "fitting in" and because the person to whom he sings doesn't care about the mask. The second verse is probably the most relatable, to me personally. I'm sure many people find it easier to share secrets to a stranger, but this verse takes it to a new level. He says he wants to share his darkest secrets because he knows the person will listen. This is another hint at the fact that he feels he doesn't belong. Sorry if this post sounds more like an analytical essay, I just really love the lyrics, and
I could go on and on, analyzing the lyrics, but I think you get the point - this song is wonderfully written. I admire how it speaks to people who act a certain way to belong and know they just don't. Instead of just singing about not fitting in, this song goes into what it feels like to find someone who can see right through the mask and prefers the person underneath. It's somewhat uplifting because it shares a little hope that everyone will find a person, or if they're lucky, a whole group, who will see through them and let them be themselves.

Anyway, my post is long enough. Here's the lyric video:

Rating: 5 RECORDS

Photo: Facebook - Alex Goot

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