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"#LittleMissPerfect" Original Song by Alex G

Album artwork for Alex G's debut album, just released yesterday!!

Hello, JUKEBOXERS!! It's Jewel with another review for the Original Song Series. This week, I chose an original by Alex G called, "#LittleMissPerfect". You may remember her from my reviews of her collab covers of "Team" and "Classic". Click on the song titles to read my old posts and to learn more about Alex G.

This is a cute, fun, and altogether creatively written song. I like the simplicity of accompaniment. I mean, it's just so easy to play, she even wrote the seven chords in the description along with the lyrics. If you've been reading my reviews, you'll know I love simplicity.

I actually have a few things to critique this week (hey, that rhymes!!) unlike the past two weeks. First, I'll start with the lyrics. While the verses are clever, I found the repetition of "little miss perfect, perfect" a little too repetitive, but it does suit the song. Also, I must point out that the word "hashtag" is in this song, and as much as I love to use hashtags (now, but I didn't about six months ago), I don't really like the word in a song. There's just something about it being in a song that really bugs me. Anyway, moving on. The second thing I must mention is about her vocals. I found her out of place breaths a little distracting. As a singer, I somehow seem to unconsciously attentively (if that makes sense) listen to things like that. I just don't like breaking up words and phrases with random breaths. But I understand that due to the nature of the song, it's kind of difficult to find the right places to breathe.

Okay, on to the good stuff!! While I didn't like her seemingly random breaths, I appreciate how she attempted to make them as minimally distracting as possible. Another thing about her vocals I just love is what I'll call the "dainty-ness" of the words "witty", "pretty", and some other ones. Her voice is just dainty and I'm a little jealous!! As for the lyrics, I found them entertaining and well that's one of the main purposes of a song, or music in general, so I'll give it a 4.5 (minus 1/2 a star for the repetitiveness).

I normally don't write about the music videos, mainly because it's usually a lyric video or a video of the artist playing the song, but I just had to say something about this one!! The first time I watched I didn't understand why the girl was a mannequin. Then I realized, while the lyrics don't have deeper meaning, the song with the video do. "Little miss perfect" is capturing all the girls out there who are trying to make themselves look like models. It encompasses all the people who hide behind masks and who are people we like to describe as "plastic". Alex G is basically portraying the "classic" girl while the mannequin is quite literally "plastic". In addition to all that, I just found the video absolutely adorable and decided to write a review on this one instead of the one she just released yesterday. I'll go ahead and put that video down below as well.

Here's the "#LittleMissPerfect" official music video:

And here's the "Make Your Move" official music video released yesterday:

Here are the lyrics!!
Girl I bet you think you’re witty. 
The way you dance is oh so pretty.
But I know who you are, deep down, who you are. 
And girl I bet you think you’re funny. 
Clever texting with emojis. 
Well, guess what, girl! He’s hashtag taken. 

So listen closely when I say your childish games won’t scare me away. 

And I, I see the truth in your disguise. You ain’t fooling this one. 
You, you’re used to getting what you want. You ain’t winnin’ this one. The world will see you through my eyes. 
One last thing I must clarify: You’re not Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, no.
Girl you’ve got this way about you, acting dumb like you have no clue. 
Well, you know what you did. I know what you did! 
I heard you don’t like his girlfriend. 
That’s a text you wish you could unsend. 
And this is sweet revenge. 

So listen closely when I say your gig is up and here’s your pay! 

And I, I see the truth in your disguise. You ain’t fooling this one. 

You, you’re used to getting what you want. You ain’t winnin’ this one. The world will see you through my eyes. 
One last thing I must clarify: You’re not Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, no.

The world will see you through my eyes. 
One last thing I must clarify
You’re not Little Miss Perfect, Perfect. Little Miss Perfect, Perfect. Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, no. Little Miss Perfect, Perfect. Little Miss Perfect, Perfect. Little Miss Perfect, Perfect, no. 
Well not this time girlfriend…

Rating: 4 RECORDS

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