Welcome to JUKEBOX music reviews!


Goodbye, Lindsey

Hello all. I know you're all waiting for a post from our dear friend, Lindsey. Unfortunately, the JUKEBOX girls have gone from four to three. Don't worry, we're all still friends. However, that does mean we will no longer have posts for you on Tuesdays, and Lindsey will no longer be choosing songs for our playlists.
In other news, the rest of us have decided to continue our weekly reviews, but we have chosen to do covers biweekly. As you know, we are full-time college students and we may also be adding jobs to our schedules. Covers take hours, even days, because we like to make sure our covers are the best they can be.
The new schedule for posts is as follows:
                - Wednesday: Jewel
                - Thursday: Lia
                - Friday: Kimberly
                - Saturday: Playlists
                - every other Sunday: Covers

We'd like to thank all of our readers. We're a small community, but that's what makes this blog so special to all of us. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you all so much for reading our posts and allowing us to do what we love!

A little amendment from Lia: you can spam and beg her to come back!!
Maybe she'll come back by popular demand!!

-- the JUKEBOX girls

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